05 August 2013

Natural, Homemade Exfoliants

Whichever beauty magazine, blog or article we read, there are endless articles relating to dry skin, flaking skin, blah blah blah....!!Eventually, we flip right past these pages to the many flawlessly made up models and wish...''if only I could sport that makeup look.'

What we don't realise is that an unprepared canvas could never camouflage even Picasso's paintings. This I experienced first hand after working on a teen this weekend who had super dry skin, It got me in a searching frenzy, trying my utmost to get my hands on those often deliberately passed up articles.

I learnt first hand that the condition of your skin, especially dry skin, affects the outcome of your makeup more than you could ever expect. No amount of the most expensive makeup can give you the desired outcome- your results will never reflect the product....instead it will just highlight every flake and patch.

No matter what technique you adopt, applying foundation over dry skin is 'horrendous'.....i'm sure those that have this problem will agree with me. Flaking skin is a sign that there are dead skin cells accumulating- and slapping on your foundation over that only magnifies the problem as the foundation sits on the skin flakes making it more noticeable.

I used to be a once, maybe twice a month exfoliator....I have now vowed to exfoliate weekly. I have been blessed with, the exception of freckles, good clear skin and have realised that I have probably been taking a lot for granted when it came to my skin care routine. Skin care and hydration should be non-negotiable....it represents your natural beauty and there are no miracle products. What you put in is exactly what you will get out.

So how do we go about getting that smooth, glowing and radiant skin??? The first and most important step will be to start exfoliating your skin regularly. By exfoliating, we are removing the old dead skin cells from the topmost layer of your skin. Not removing the sloughed cells causes them to layer itself on the skin, closing up the pores making your skin more prone to breakouts.

You don't need to go out and splash out on expensive exfoliating products that may contain chemicals  and other harsh ingredients. Dig in your cupboards for inexpensive, natural homemade recipes that work just as well if not better. Use light, circular motions to work the exfoliant to loosen n remove the dead skin cells.

1. Baking Soda

*1 tablespoon baking soda
*few drops of water to create a paste like consistency
*1/2 drops of essential oil(optional)

2. Ground Oatmeal

     A gentle, natural alternative that is great on sensitive skin.

*1 tablespoon finely ground oatmeal
*quarter tsp salt or sugar
*1 teaspoon water

3. Sugar

* 1 teaspoon sugar
* half teaspoon honey( has anti- oxidant & anti- microbial properties)
* few drops lemon juice( clears skin giving it a fresh look)

4. Rice

*1 tablespoon rice- finely ground 
*few drops of water to create a paste
*1 drop coconut oil

Gently work the exfoliant into your skin for about 1 minute and thoroughly rinse out. Take care not to over exfoliate or apply vigorously as this can lead to you dehydrating the skin which will leave it feeling drier. For fear of mechanical abrasion I personally do not prefer using exfoliating brushes. Exfoliate once or twice a week....no more!

Remember, it is imperative that you moisterise after every exfoliation as it cleans and leaves the pores open which is the perfect time to feed your skin all the beneficial nutrients it requires to remain youthful and radiant.

Do you have any other home made exfoliant ideas that you would like to share with us??? We would love to hear from you. Also, which home made regime works for you.....??

Till next time....

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